Saturday, April 27, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #3

This post will be about books-for-review. I will explain my methods (which aren't exactly the work of a mastermind, but, oh well) and then I will explain other ways!

Since I am not exactly famously renown in the book blogosphere, I don't get a lot of books and ARCS flying through my bedroom window every night.

So, I get my books-to-review mostly from

  1. Self published authors
  2. Goodreads
A couple times a month I have a some self published authors find me. Still not sure how, but they do. And I am always happy when the book they are asking me to review looks like it will be my type of read. Of course, normally I get them in a e-book style. Only the top bloggers will get the certain book as a print ARC or finished copy. I am always happy when I find a self published novel I love. (Thank you all the authors that have contacted me!)

Goodreads is another place I get books to review. Sometimes I join groups that can sign up for e-arcs or  e-books. In these cases sometimes you actually get to contact the author! Also, First Reads (giveaways) is on Goodreads. All you do is enter the giveaway and see if win!

Other ways (that I don't normally do) to get books for review

  1. Netgalley and Edelweiss 
  2. Publishers
  3. Blog Tours
Netgalley and Edelweiss are sites where you can sign up for e-arcs to review. I don't know why this never appealed to me, it just didn't. However, I know they 99% of the book blogoshere loves the sites. I don't know much except that 1) you can get lot of books, if some of the Stacking the Shelves I've seen are indicators. 2) You request the e-arcs and sometimes you get rejecected, and other time you don't. If anyone with more expertise has anything more to add please do in the comments! Thanks. 

Publishers. Well, blogs with happy statistics can get paperback ARCs from publishers. Maybe one day I will try contacting a publisher, but I am at least waiting a couple more months. ARCs are expensive to print so publishers give them only to people with blogs that are sure to be seen!

Blog tours. So far I have only participated in one. Basically, you post a review or promotional post on your assigned day. Sometimes you get the book to review and sometimes you don't.

And Remember

  1. You don't need to get review books to have an awesome blog!!!
  2. Be patient and BE HAPPY :)
Newbie book blogger vocab quickie:

ARCs- Advanced Reader Copies. Normally handed out to well known bookish people before the release date of final copy

Blog Tours- A book that is posted about on a schedule. They are scheduled by a blog tour site

How do you feel about books-for-review? Do you get them or are happy without? If you do receive them, what method do you use/prefer?


  1. I like books-for-review because they're probably titles that I've never heard of before or ones that I can't find in the local bookstore. I mostly use Netgalley for that (not Edelweiss yet because I'm still figuring out Netgalley). It feels great, actually! It was through Netgalley that I found my new favourite fantasy series! :)

    So far, I've only been contacted by one author asking me to review her book and that was a rather interesting experience.

    As for what kind of format, I prefer ebooks because I can just read them on the go on my Kindle! :D

  2. I haven't yet gotten a book for review, but I am a real newbie. My blog was just started this month and I only have about 20 followers!

  3. I am considering starting a blog, but... ooh fabulous idea for a title. Sorry no spoilers, but I will leave my link when I create it!

  4. I used to take on too many review books. Now, I am more picky and also try to mix in popular books with the independent authors. I love Netgalley. I have found so many great books through there! I will read paper or Kindle, both work for me.
    This was a great post by the way.
