Showing posts with label newbie blogger diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newbie blogger diaries. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #9

So, I was trying to write a review, and well, let's just say it didn't work. I spaced out and started thinking about the age old ebook vs print book phenomenon. So I opened up a new post to start a Newbie Blogger Diaries Debate...

Ebook or Print?

As a newbie(ish) blogger I have learned that a lot of review copies or requests I receive are for ebooks. And it makes sense. The author/publisher doesn't have to pay for shipping, plus it is an instant download. Also, I read print ARCs cost 15 dollars to print a piece! So here are some pros and cons for ebooks:

Ebooks Pros: 

  1. As afore mentioned, they download instantly! 
  2. You can highlight, add notes, and other stuff (How cool are those things?!?!)
  3. Often you can read with your e-reader in just one hand instead of wasting your energy turning those pages!
  4. You can adjust font, size, and color.

Print Pros:

  1. Your eyes don't get tired as quick.
  2. It is easier to flip through the book. This can also eliminate confusion about the story if you can go back and check your facts.
  3. You can touch the cover image sand they are never in weird format.
  4. You can keep them as trophies on your shelf. (I love me some pretty books to hoard!)
So, what do you think? I am more fond of print, but I still love ebooks! Any more Pros to add to the list? Remember this is a debate so argue your side! 

-Emily :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #7

Hi everyone! I know I have been missing in action the last few days, and a bit behind on the posting of The Newbie Blogger Diaries. This was because I have been traveling to see my family with only a small amount of wifi. Anyways, I am nearly back now and I thought I would do this post really quick while I am sitting in the airport.

Today's topic was not what I planned to do this week, but I learned a couple lessons this week while visiting my family!

1) Showing your blog to family members is nice. Even if they don't really read the content (which is sometimes preferred), my relatives were interested in how a blog works and how I interact with the blogging community. This is good for you and your family, as you teach your family about memes, your schedule, HTML, blogging buttons etc., and also you get to get all these things out of your head. I found talking about these things always makes my goals and processes clearer. Also, I brought along an ARC to show them and I talked about how publishers try to create before-the-release buzz with these copies. This was kinda fun.

2) Blogging is kind of like a fun type of work. Even when you are on vacation, you need to try to post as much as possible and with the knowledge you will have a lot of catching up to do once you come home. Of course, everyone needs a blogging break once in a while, just they will need to work a little harder than normal to come back. It is okay to be behind though (as evidence of this post) just as long as you catch up! Also, when you are on vacation, the blogging world doesn't just stop, you may have authors contacting you or events going on at your favorite blog.

So, have you ever had some blogging epiphanies while on vacation? Have you ever showed your blog to a family member or friend?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #6

Okay, I am not sure how I came up with this topic. However, here it is!

Anybody who has read City of Bones would know that epic line Clary has when Jace asks her what Ebay is.

"A magical place of great mythical power."

When I read this though, I don't think of Ebay though, I think of Goodreads. To book lovers all around, Goodreads is pretty darn magical. But, when you become a blogger on Goodreads, the site turns from Hogwarts to the dark, spider filled area of The Forbidden Forest.

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating. In all seriousness though, being a blogger opens up a lot of windows on Goodreads. You just need to know how to get through them.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #5

Recap of my Week
Well, this week has been really fun! My giveaway has ended (Congratulations Zoette Knightly! I have sent you an email), I have been a Follow Friday Feature, reached nearly 100 bloglovin followers, won two firstread giveaways in one night, won a giveaway at another blog, and have had the highly anticipated book, Gemini Rising, shipped out to me! Wow.

So how was your week?

Today's Topic: Updating
Anyway, todays topic is updating. Because, well book bloggers have a lot of that to do. I am good at updating Goodreads, and my posts if needed. But I am terrible at remembering to change my currently reading gadget on the sidebar. (I finished The Gray Wolfe Throne a month ago.) Also, I add my reviews on amazon pretty infrequently unless the book was a review request.

Updating Goodreads: There is a lot to update on goodreads...I love it!!! You can update on what your currently reading, ratings, and reviews. Since I practically live on Goodreads, my profile and stuff is always up to date.

One routine I have is that every sunday I go through all my blog reviews and make sure they are on Goodreads.

Amazon: On Amazon you can only post reviews (and listmania). I am truly horrible at updating this. Maybe writing this post will guilt me into updating on Amazon more.

Do you update on Amazon or Goodreads?

And, lastly, updating my blog. I post frequently and update my other pages like Giveaways and Newbie Blogger Diaries, but my gadgets and widgets? I am pretty behind. Any tips?

Also, as of April I have been trying to post everyday. So far I mostly have! *cheers*.  And what gadgets do you have? I have my blog button, currently reading, ways to follow, search box, and upcoming blog tours. I have been thinking of also adding a giveaways gadget so they are easy to access.

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Updating is work, but in the end it leads to more fun! And somethings I think I update to much (like my blog design.) Did you see my new design? By the way, I know this post was everywhere, but updates and other things have ben swirling my mind!

What are your updating habits? Also, I would love to know how your week went :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #4

Today the Newbie Blogger topic is... Rating Systems!

So, some book bloggers use a rating system, others don't. I feel that reviews should never depend on a rating to get the point or the bloggers feelings across. I do believe, in some cases, ratings help. Also, they can add an amount of creativity to the review.

What I Use, and How I Rate

I do use a rating system... wait for it... I use bookcases! (Bet you never could've guessed) Now, here come the tricky part. What does each number of bookcases mean? Here is a little key that can also be found in my policies section:

1/5- This book went straight into the trashcan after reading. Others may enjoy it, but I definetely did not. 

2/5- This book was okay, I won't be reading it again. Weak, but a little bit enjoyable.

3/5 I liked this book. I may reread it. Enjoyed it quite a bit, but not extremely memorable in any outstanding way.

4/5 I really, really liked this book! Really!

5/5 This is an absolutely 100% amazing book!!! Buy it right now!

Honest Ratings

This will just be a little note. I love all rating systems in reviews... except for when the reviewer isn't stating what they feel and lies a little. Readers expect 100% honest ratings and reviews. Bad reviews may be hard, but at least they are honest. I want to feel like I can trust all ratings. I am sure you do too.

My First Attempt...

Okay, here was my kinda pathetic first attempt at creating a rating system... My artistic skills are stunning. 

The Challenges

Every rating system is different. Is it out of 5? 10? Does 4/5 mean "really liked" or "just okay"? I tried to create a rating system that made sense. (At times I used the goodreads system to help guide me.)

Also, there is a challenge to find a good figure for your system. I came up with bookcases pretty easily. (Ahem. See my blog title above) But I do know finding something to use could be tricky for some bloggers. I do know that stars are popular though.

Do you use ratings? What system do you use? What challenges have you come across?