Okay, I am not sure how I came up with this topic. However, here it is!
Anybody who has read City of Bones would know that epic line Clary has when Jace asks her what Ebay is.
When I read this though, I don't think of Ebay though, I think of Goodreads. To book lovers all around, Goodreads is pretty darn magical. But, when you become a blogger on Goodreads, the site turns from Hogwarts to the dark, spider filled area of The Forbidden Forest.
Okay, maybe I am exaggerating. In all seriousness though, being a blogger opens up a lot of windows on Goodreads. You just need to know how to get through them.
- Once you are a blogger, you get to just copy and paste reviews onto Goodreads sometimes, and remember to add a link to your blog. (I need to start following my own advice!)
- As a blogger you get access to neighboring blogs, and a lot of those have a "Friend me on Goodreads" link. At first, I was afraid to do so, but guess what, people are pretty nice. And, if you get rejected, you can still follow their reviews. You get to know lot of people!
- Firstreads is something that is for everybody on Goodreads. However, I do think the bloggers have a slight advantage. Not always! But most of the time. You are picked because of a combination of things, but I think a lot of it has to do with site activity, and maybe if you post reviews frequently, which I never did until I became a blogger. And I never won one until last week, which was a week I was on the site constantly.
- Sometimes authors contact bloggers via goodreads for a review. That is how I was contacted the first time I received a review request.
- I love how Goodreads has Virtual Bookshelves to keep track of all your books! (My to-read shelf is huge!
- At goodreads you can find tons of awesome sounding books and then realize you need to become a millionaire to afford all those reads.
- Read reviews. Pretty standard, but doing this is so helpful! And, if you like the review make sure to comment or like it.
- You can participate in challenges! I am a totally goal oriented person, so these are so motivational and fun! Have you joined the 2013 reading challenge yet?
2013 Reading Challenge
Emily has
read 16 books toward her goal of 250 books.
Although, I had a hard time finding a good profile picture. Thankfully I finally found one I like. What is your profile picture?
So, have you joined Goodreads? Anything you love about it? Anything that scares you?
And, please, friend me if you want to! Goodreads friends are fun :)