Showing posts with label debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debate. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #9

So, I was trying to write a review, and well, let's just say it didn't work. I spaced out and started thinking about the age old ebook vs print book phenomenon. So I opened up a new post to start a Newbie Blogger Diaries Debate...

Ebook or Print?

As a newbie(ish) blogger I have learned that a lot of review copies or requests I receive are for ebooks. And it makes sense. The author/publisher doesn't have to pay for shipping, plus it is an instant download. Also, I read print ARCs cost 15 dollars to print a piece! So here are some pros and cons for ebooks:

Ebooks Pros: 

  1. As afore mentioned, they download instantly! 
  2. You can highlight, add notes, and other stuff (How cool are those things?!?!)
  3. Often you can read with your e-reader in just one hand instead of wasting your energy turning those pages!
  4. You can adjust font, size, and color.

Print Pros:

  1. Your eyes don't get tired as quick.
  2. It is easier to flip through the book. This can also eliminate confusion about the story if you can go back and check your facts.
  3. You can touch the cover image sand they are never in weird format.
  4. You can keep them as trophies on your shelf. (I love me some pretty books to hoard!)
So, what do you think? I am more fond of print, but I still love ebooks! Any more Pros to add to the list? Remember this is a debate so argue your side! 

-Emily :)