Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Newbie Blogger Diaries #7

Hi everyone! I know I have been missing in action the last few days, and a bit behind on the posting of The Newbie Blogger Diaries. This was because I have been traveling to see my family with only a small amount of wifi. Anyways, I am nearly back now and I thought I would do this post really quick while I am sitting in the airport.

Today's topic was not what I planned to do this week, but I learned a couple lessons this week while visiting my family!

1) Showing your blog to family members is nice. Even if they don't really read the content (which is sometimes preferred), my relatives were interested in how a blog works and how I interact with the blogging community. This is good for you and your family, as you teach your family about memes, your schedule, HTML, blogging buttons etc., and also you get to get all these things out of your head. I found talking about these things always makes my goals and processes clearer. Also, I brought along an ARC to show them and I talked about how publishers try to create before-the-release buzz with these copies. This was kinda fun.

2) Blogging is kind of like a fun type of work. Even when you are on vacation, you need to try to post as much as possible and with the knowledge you will have a lot of catching up to do once you come home. Of course, everyone needs a blogging break once in a while, just they will need to work a little harder than normal to come back. It is okay to be behind though (as evidence of this post) just as long as you catch up! Also, when you are on vacation, the blogging world doesn't just stop, you may have authors contacting you or events going on at your favorite blog.

So, have you ever had some blogging epiphanies while on vacation? Have you ever showed your blog to a family member or friend?


  1. Love this post Emily! You are always learning something!!! I have actually been asked to blog for a cloth diaper company that we use, so now a ton of people are seeing and reading my blog posts! It's crazy where writing can take you! I know you will be very blessed with career opportunities in your life, and I'm excited to see where this continues to take you! Thanks for writing and blessing people with your gifts!!!

    1. Thanks! Congrats on your blogging opportunities also!

  2. My family knows my blog exists, but they don't read it. :( Well, except for my husband...if I've left a post up on the computer when he goes to use it. He admitted that the other day and I was kinda shocked...and a bit happy that at least one of my family members appreciates what I love to do. :)

    1. It's nice to have a family member appreciate your blog :)
