Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #16

This is an awesome meme hosted by Breaking the Spine
This Week I am Waiting On...

Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam
   Soon, Elusion® will change the world and life as we know it.

A new technology called Elusion is sweeping the country. An app, visor and wristband will virtually transport you to an exotic destination where adventure can be pursued without the complications—or consequences—of real life.

Regan is an Elusion insider. Or at least she used to be. Her father invented the program, and her best friend, Patrick, heir to the tech giant Orexis, is about to release it nationwide. But ever since her father’s unexpected death, Regan can’t bear to Escape, especially since waking up from the dream means crashing back to her grim reality.

Still, when there are rumors of trouble in Elusion—accusations that it’s addictive and dangerous— Regan is determined to defend it. But the critics of Elusion come from surprising sources, including Josh, the handsome skeptic with his own personal stakes. As Regan investigates the claims, she discovers a disturbing web of secrets. She will soon have to choose between love and loyalty…a decision that will affect the lives of millions.             

Suspense, thrills, and romance fuel this near-future story about the seductive nature of a perfect virtual world, and how far one girl will go to uncover the truth behind the illusions.
I am salivating for this book... 

So, What are you Waiting On?

And please remember to check out my Ultimate Sumer Giveaway!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Ultimate Summer Giveaway

So, time for the Ultimate Summer Giveaway which will be going on all Summer...

The details: Every couple of weeks I will post a new book or two and add them to the pile the winners will choose from! How many winners wiil there be? Currently only one, but for every 100 followers via email or 100 via bloglovin, I will add another winner. Here are the first books of many to add to the pile...

Oh, and this is US and International. If you are international, the book will be shipped from the book depository instead of from my shelf though.

So the books this week are an arc of Prophecy and a paperback of Dante's Girl!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Top Ten Tuesday #14

This Weeks Topic: Top Ten Nine Books I've Read So 
Far In 2013

This is a hard one, so I decided to stick to mostly 2013 releases, although I did stick in some 2012 ones I read this year that HAD to be mentioned! This meme is, as always, hosted by the awesome The Broke and the Bookish

And don't forget to enter the Ultimate Summer Giveaway!  

What are your Top Ten?
-Emily :)

Review: Forgotten

Forgotten by Sarah J. Pepper
Gwyneth’s chronicle began long before she witnessed her family being brutally murdered and lost her sight. Living as an orphan, her world is anything but black and white. She sees her vivid future that promises suffering and death. 

Cursed with these visions, Gwyneth pretends to be like everyone else, until a dangerously charismatic, young man walks into her life. From the moment Jace lays eyes on her, he refuses to believe Gwyneth is normal. He knows information about her past that only a psychopathic stalker could dig up. He reveals her dirty secrets. Unbeknownst details of Gwyneth’s former life unfurl.

Unsure of what to believe, Gwyneth searches for answers that lead to her inconceivable fate. However, the ancient truth she uncovers is more dangerous than any high school romance she’d bargained for. Gwyneth is drug into an inevitable battle brewing between immortal Gods and ageless Hunters – both of which have sworn to swear to kill her if deemed necessary.
Forgotten was an interesting read, and I will definitely have my eye on the second book when it releases. (I *think* it will release this year or the beginning of next) I had my issues with the book, but in the end it was worth the read but it won't be one I will reread.

I have mixed feelings about this book! While I was reading, I enjoyed it, although some parts took me a while to get through mainly because I felt there was a lot of repetition. By the end I was a little tired of this Jace/Gwyneth conflict where Gwyneth (AKA Winnie) pines after him but refuses to admit it. Am I the only one annoyed by this in books?

Another thing I did not like were the parts where the story dragged. I wish I could remember more, but as I read this a while ago, I cannot give specific examples. Mostly just I felt like there were places with not a lot of action. Most of the pages were filled with foreshadowing or school drama that after a while also felt repetitious.

Now, I will mention all of Forgotten's redeeming qualities! My favorite parts were spent with Winnie and the new foster kid, Elsie. I probably should explain that Winnie's parents were murdered so she lives in a foster home. Fortunately, her foster parents are very nice. Although she still feels guilty for her families' deaths. Elsie, like Winnie, is also an orphan (or her parents gave her up). She is really sweet tween and I think they both helped each other.

I also loved how Winnie's blindness was handled. As you may know, she doesn't have a typical blindness. This makes the book more interesting and gives the descriptions a different feeling. And I cannot review this book and not mention the plot. While reading, I found it quite brilliant yet confusing. There were a lot of twists, although one "major" one was pretty predictable. I don't remember too much. Although, we are revealed with a lot in the last couple chapter so if I purchase the next one I may need to reread the last 20 pages for a refresher. I think there might be a new bad guy though... The plot was original and I enjoyed it though.

Overall, this was a fun read with a brilliant plot and mostly cool characters. I am glad I read it, but I was not totally wowed by it. I was not sure what to rate this so I thought I should go with around 3.5 bookcases. I think that is a fitting rating, although this is definitely one of those books that could rank higher or lower depending of you focused on the good or the bad.

3.5/5 bookcases

*I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review*

Please pretend the image matches the rating... I need to make a 3.5 graphic....

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #16

Hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

This is a meme where everyone showcases the books they received that week.

If you created a Stacking The Shelves post, make sure to leave the link in the comments!

Fire by Heather James

I won this beauty from Ana @ Anahera Reads! Thank you, I can't wait to dive in!

As I do not have a particularly big haul this week, to make this post a little more interesting I would love to have some books recommended to me in the comments as I am going to Powells (AKA the big bookstore) tomorrow.

So, what book do you think I should pick up? Oh, and just for fun, what is your favorite debut book you have read this year?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #15

Hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee
Todays Question: What is your favorite literary quote?

This is a great question, and I was just looking through my goodreads account quotes and found some that made me laugh really hard!!! Do you have any saved on your goodreads?

I have so many favorite quotes! Here are some funny ones:

City of Bones:

"That wouldn't be my move," Jace agreed. "First the candy and flowers, then the apology letter, then the angry demon hordes. In that order."

Hex Hall:

"None of this makes any sense." "I am beginning to think that should be the title of my autobiography."


"So? What are you going to do about it? Throw your mashed potatoes at me? I'm consumed by terror."


"Ah, did you fall?" "No, I attacked the floor."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review: How My Summer Went Up in Flames

How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski 
First she lost her heart. Then she lost her mind. And now she’s on a road trip to win back her ex. This debut novel’s packed with drama and romance!

Rosie’s always been impulsive. She didn’t intend to set her cheating ex-boyfriend’s car on fire. And she never thought her attempts to make amends could be considered stalking. So when she’s served with a temporary restraining order on the first day of summer vacation, she’s heartbroken—and furious.

To put distance between Rosie and her ex, Rosie’s parents send her on a cross-country road trip with responsible, reliable neighbor Matty and his two friends. Forget freedom of the road, Rosie wants to hitchhike home and win back her ex. But her determination starts to dwindle with each passing mile. Because Rosie’s spark of anger? It may have just ignited a romance with someone new…
How my Summer Went Up in Flames was such a fun read! (Although I can't stand the way the girl is standing on the cover. Can I say Ow?) At first, I thought it sounded cute but thought the main character would be kind of pathetic. Luckily, she was real, and fun, and not too pathetic.

Can I just start by saying I have a rocky relationship with road trip books? I tend to love em' or hate em'. In this one I thought the road trip aspect was handled superbly though. The characters go to cool destinations in the USA, plus the ratio of boys to girls is 3:1. So, we get a lot of fun comments from Rosie about the car ride with the boys. One of my favorite scenes is when Rosie tries to play a road trip game. (To the question "What kind of fruit are you?" Rosie get back an answer something like, "I am not sure about me, but you are definitely bananas!")

Rosie is, as already stated, an awesome narrator. She is spunky and you can clearly see the character growth by the end of the book. Also, her voice is easy to read and I was laughing, like, the whole time! This was a such a good book to read right after Prophecy which had nothing remotely laugh inducing within the pages. The other girl we get to know well is a character met half way(ish) through the book. I really liked her though. Just let me search through the book for her name... Avery! Yes, I remember!

Anyways, she is lots of fun and also induced some laughs from me. And, finally, we have the three boys, Matty, Spencer, and Logan. They were all great. Matty is the younger best friend that helps keep Rosie from getting into trouble. Spencer and Logan are brother who are both very, um, neurotic about the schedule and rules. I think I rolled my eyes at there freakish obsession with how they planned everything!!! Rosie feels the same way.

Also, I love how the dialogue feels real, and not at all forced, as that is one of my biggest pet peeves in a book. I read the book so fast, it was addicting. I love addicting books!  And this book had everything else too: humor, awesome romance, a good message, cool premise, and a great pacing that had me zipping through the pages.

Overall, this was a great read! I would reccomend this to anyone looking for a light, fun contemporary full (and I mean full) of laughs. I cannot wait to read more by this author, Jennifer Salvato Doktorski!

4/5 bookcases (This was won in a giveaway, thank you Emily Crammed Bookshelf and Jennifer!)

Note: For those who don't know, Google Reader is closing down in less than two weeks. Take this chance to start following me via bloglovin if you want to!
(see the button on the top of my righthand sidebar)