Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols: Interview + Giveaway

Interview Time!
Jennifer Echols was born in Atlanta and grew up in a small town on a beautiful lake in Alabama—a setting that has inspired many of her books. She has written nine romantic novels for young adults, including the comedy MAJOR CRUSH, which won the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the drama GOING TOO FAR, which was a finalist in the RITA, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the Book Buyer’s Best, and was nominated by the American Library Association as a Best Book for Young Adults. Simon & Schuster will debut her adult romance novels in 2013, with many more teen novels scheduled for the next few years. She lives in Birmingham with her husband and her son.


I was so delighted to participate in an interview for Jennifer Echols! Her books are amazing, and I am particularly stoked for her new book, Dirty Little Secret, as I play the violin. I am actually taking a strings (instrument) camp right now... So, here is the awesome interview with this awesome person and a giveaway....

Monday, July 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #17

Today's Topic: Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!


1.Percy Jackson
Percy. Is. Supposed. To. Be. TWELVE! In the movie, the actors look like they are eighteen. Plus, um, where did Kronos go? In the book the god has a major part. And Annabeth's hair seems to have gone brown. (It's supposed to be blonde!)

2.Ella Enchanted
The movie was totally wrong. I don't remember much... just that it was not the Ella Enchanted I knew.

Sorry to all the twilight movie fans! They are okay... but I wish the main character Bella would act happier. She is happy and sarcastic as ever in the books!


Harry Potter
They start at the right age! (See Percy Jackson above.) Plus, the movies are magical... with good acting! Such a great cast!

Wow... that is the only "Best" I can think of... That's sad...Um... I guess I will create a "Looking forward to" to make up for this one lousy "best". Apparently it is hard for a movie adaptation to impress me.

Looking Forward To


City of Bones
Yay! I hope the movie is better than the trailers. I didn't really get the "Jace" vibe from the actor.

Blood Sisters: Vampire Academy
I actually wasn't a big fan of the first book, but I ADORED the rest. I wonder how this will turn out.

Rush Teasers + Giveaway

Release Date: June 11, 2013
Publisher: Harper Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
So what’s the game now? This, or the life I used to know?

When Miki Jones is pulled from her life, pulled through time and space into some kind of game—her carefully controlled life spirals into chaos. In the game, she and a team of other teens are sent on missions to eliminate the Drau, terrifying and beautiful alien creatures. There are no practice runs, no training, and no way out. Miki has only the guidance of secretive but maddeningly attractive team leader Jackson Tate, who says the game isn’t really a game, that what Miki and her new teammates do now determines their survival, and the survival of every other person on this planet. She laughs. He doesn’t. And then the game takes a deadly and terrifying turn.

Available from:
 photo addtogoodreadssmall_zpsa2a6cf28.png  photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg  photo 111AD205-AA04-4F9E-A0F4-C1264C4E9F30-1855-000001A1E8CEB6D7_zps9b730b94.jpg   photo KoboIcon_zps515cdc1a.jpg

Teaser #1:
He smiles, a faint curve of his lips that reveals the barest hint of a long dimple carved in his right cheek. “No, but I can read your expression. And I’ve been doing this long enough that I know what most people tend to think when they first open their eyes.”
“Doing what long enough?”
“This,” he says, and nothing more.
A second of silence stretches into two. Though I can’t see behind his glasses, I have the feeling he’s not looking at me anymore, that he’s scanning the area, looking for…something. But as I stare at him, I see me—tiny distorted reflections of me in the shiny, convex lenses.
Copyright © 2013. Eve Silver. All Rights Reserved.

Teaser #2:
I stare at the things in front of me: the Drau. I can’t look away.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember Jackson talking about Medusa.
Don’t look at their eyes.
Their mercury eyes.
They’re poison.
They will kill me.
Copyright © 2013. Eve Silver. All Rights Reserved.

Teaser #3:
Color and sound explode, too bright, too loud. Even the air on my skin feels like it’s too much. My fingers go lax. The bag’s handle slides down my palm, then along my fingers to the tips, impossibly slow. The world tips and tilts and I flail for balance.
Luka grabs my hand and holds tight.
I blink. My house, my open front door, Dad, they’re all gone. My breath comes in short gasps and every muscle in my body feels like it’s knotted up tight.
I’m standing in a grassy clearing bounded by trees.
The lobby.
We’ve been pulled.
Copyright © 2013. Eve Silver. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author
Eve Silver lives with her gamer husband and sons, sometimes in Canada, but often in worlds she dreams up. She loves kayaking and sunshine, dogs and desserts, and books, lots and lots of books. Watch for the first book in Eve’s new teen series, THE GAME: RUSH, coming from Katherine Tegen Books, June 2013. She also writes books for adults.

Author Links:

Signed copy of Rush, US and Canada only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted by:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Review: Gravity

Gravity by Melissa West
In the future, only one rule will matter:

Don’t. Ever. Peek.

Seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander just broke that rule and saw the last person she expected hovering above her bed — arrogant Jackson Locke, the most popular boy in her school. She expects instant execution or some kind of freak alien punishment, but instead, Jackson issues a challenge: help him, or everyone on Earth will die.

Ari knows she should report him, but everything about Jackson makes her question what she’s been taught about his kind. And against her instincts, she’s falling for him. But Ari isn’t just any girl, and Jackson wants more than her attention. She’s a military legacy who’s been trained by her father and exposed to war strategies and societal information no one can know — especially an alien spy, like Jackson. Giving Jackson the information he needs will betray her father and her country, but keeping silent will start a war.
 Gravity was such an addicting read! I finished the book in one day, two sittings. When I picked it up at my bookstore I thought it sounded intriguing and noticed it had a gorgeous cover, with a praising quote from Jennifer L. Armentrout I might add. Basically, I had high expectations and they were met.

The beginning started with such a unique bang I couldn't help but be pulled in. The taking is kind of creepy and different enough to make anyone know more. I truly felt sympathy for all the 10 year olds who had to endure knowing that an alien was walking around their room at night, while their eyes were sealed shut. For those who haven't read the book, The Taking is a event happening every night, to every human. Don't. Ever. Peek. I will leave you at that!

Anyway, as the synopsis says, Ari peeks one night and find Jackson standing over her. So, yeah, he's an alien. Let me delve into both the characters. Ari was such a well done character! She is realistic, and definitely has character growth. She is strong, and thoughtful. Finally a dystopian(ish) main character who didn't annoy me! You could tell she had a realistic struggle within herself, but was tough and smart enough to examine ALL the sides! To me, she learned to be open to new possibilities such as aliens... And she loved her family and her friends. She didn't whine, and she learns to "act for herself", as her dad tells her. And she was smart! (did I mention she was smart?) She took her time safely getting info, and doesn't get foolishly caught!

 Jackson was a pretty good character, although I hope we get to see more development in his character for the next book, Hover. There was a twist about him in the end, which I wasn't expecting. Also, I loved how he talked about his (alien/ancient) homeland though. He made me want to go there, and his loyalty to the place gave him an extra layer. Other characters included Law and Gretchen. Both of them were fun and developed characters and I hope they are in the next book!

The plot was unique and different... I do love different takes on Aliens (Obsidian, The Host, The 5th wave etc.) Is it just me or are Aliens getting commoner and commoner? The new vampires perhaps. *sighs* At least this one beat any crowd that might come after the 5th wave, which was really good! Plus, the taking, the fabulous war, and the SMART main character make this stand away from any sort of crowd out there.

Overall, this was a great read. I loved Jackson! I loved the plot and the addictive writing! Gravity is definitely a book I will recommend over and over again...

5/5 bookcases

Pendomus Cover Reveal

What do you think of this cover? I am actually quite fond of it! I love the font, edges, and the dramatic eyes!

Pendomus by Carissa Andrews
Series: Pendomus Chronicles, #1
Publication date: October 10th, 2013
Genre: YA sci-fi/fantasy dystopian (with paranormal romance)

Humanity has colonized on a tidally locked planet known as Pendomus, a planet of extremes. Half eternal scorching desert and half perpetual arctic night. Surviving along the temperate band between the two, we’ve set up home in a complex known as the Helix. Within the Helix lies a highly sophisticated, highly technological society functioning solely on humans fulfilling their life’s purpose. That purpose is determined and nurtured through a person’s natural aptitudes, as read by their daily brain scans. Eating, sleeping, even procreation is handled by professionals. These basic concepts, no longer a part of society’s every day norm.

Seventeen-year-old Runa Cophem longs to be more than part of the Helix machine. Her life inside is anything but fulfilling. She feels disconnected, and longs to be more than society dictates. Inside, no one socializes, no one interacts in a meaningful way. It’s never set right with Runa. She would love nothing more than to reach out to her family, but not even her own mother can show any semblance of love for her. Instead, Runa has found solace in the ancient woods nearby, despite being strictly forbidden.

Runa’s life takes an unforeseen turn when she’s brutally attacked, and left for dead in those woods near the Helix. Rescued by a stranger with blue hair, she’s immersed into a surprising way humanity has survived. Fueled by a yearning to belong, and an attraction she didn’t even know was possible, Runa wants desperately to make a new life. Yet, there’s much she doesn’t know about herself, about the planet and the forces controlling her from afar.

What she needs is some answers

Born and raised in central MN, Carissa Andrews has always loved books. She started her career at 15 in a bookstore, just to be able to afford her book fetish. By 19, she worked for a magazine publisher. At 22, she was working for printers to learn their trade. At 27, she went back to school for graphic design, and became an award winning designer. Little did she know all of her experiences would lead her to becoming a self-publishing power house.

At 31, a magical world on a planet far away, invaded her mind.

At 34, she's learned what she needs to make her work successful.

Pendomus (Book 1 of the Pendomus Chronicles) will be released OCTOBER 10, 2013.

Author links:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ultimate Summer Giveaway: Round Two!

Yay! More book to the pile! So, the same thing as last time except I am changing the amount of winners! For every 100 followers via Bloglovin' or Email there will be a new winner! (Right now there are around 3 winners already!) Last time I know I said a lower number, but I gained followers like crazy after that... and I don't have that many books to give away!

So, time for the Ultimate Summer Giveaway which will be going on all Summer...

The details: Every couple of weeks I will post a new book or two and add them to the pile the winners will choose from! How many winners wiil there be? Currently only one, but for every 100 followers via email or 100 via bloglovin, I will add another winner. Here are some more books of many to add to the pile...

Oh, and this is US and International. If you are international, the book will be shipped from the book depository instead of from my shelf though.


a Rafflecopter giveaway
For Darkness Shows the Stars (Goodreads)
My Life Undecided (Goodreads)

And Ones from past weeks (remember, you can still choose one of these!)

Dante's Girl

Good Luck!
-Emily :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #17

Hosted by the fabulous Tynga's Reviews!

I kind of had a huge haul... and I know I left some out... (on purpose so the post didn't get to long!)  And I went to Powells... which has dirt cheap harcovers. Oh, and I won a lot of books and received some for review! And my family members also got me books! Oh my...

Print Books

For Review/Gifted/Bought             

  • 13 Reasons Why
  • Gravity
  • In the Shadow of Blackbirds
  • 17 & Gone
  • The Girl of Fire and Thorns
  • My Life Next Door
  • Splintered
  • Shatter Me
  • Daughter of Smoke and Bone... and more!

How was your Week?
-Emily :)

Review: Truth or Dare

Truth Or Dare by Jacqueline Green
When a simple round of truth or dare spins out of control, three girls find it’s no longer a party game. It’s do or die.

It all started on a whim: the game was a way for Tenley Reed to reclaim her popularity, a chance for perfect Caitlin “Angel” Thomas to prove she’s more than her Harvard application. Loner Sydney Morgan wasn’t eventhere; she was hiding behind her camera like usual. But when all three start receiving mysterious dares long after the party has ended, they’re forced to play along—or risk exposing their darkest secrets.

How far will Tenley, Caitlin and Sydney go to keep the truth from surfacing? And who’s behind this twisted game?

Set against the backdrop of Echo Bay, an isolated beach town haunted by misfortune, Truth or Dare is a highly charged debut that will keep readers in suspense from beginning to end
Truth or Dare was a suspenseful, addicting read, although it may not be for everyone. I was rushing through the pages to finish. And then wished for the second book, immediately. The one word I think describes this read most is darkly "fun" though. Truth or Dare was just the break I needed.

I have heard that Truth or Dare is often compared to Pretty Little Liars. Admitedly, I have not read the series, but I believe they both have an awesome amount of drama and mystery. Speaking of the mystery aspects, I loved all the suspense built on the dares! And then that cliff hanger... Ugh!

The characters were nothing short of amazing. They felt realistic and were so vibrant, they jumped right into my head fully formed. I also loved how throughout the book the author added layers of secrets and personality traits to the character... the character growth was pretty awesome!

Another thing I liked about Truth or Dare is how well we get to know the secondary characters. Parents, brothers, friends, enemies, teacher... I remember all their personalities and some even played crucial roles! I applaud the author on how she incorporated so many original characters into the story, and none of them were useless or unnecessary!

The pacing of the book was great. I never felt like the book was moving to slowly. I couldn't it down during the plane ride and car ride (I read it on vacation). Also, I loved that this was a thick book. I needed a nice long read with enough pages to provide character development and a good mystery!

Overall, this comes highly recommended to lovers of YA Drama and Suspense/Mystery. Oh, and I just have to mention that gorgeous cover! It is so suspenseful with a great color scheme... warning that the book is a wild, addictive roller coaster ride in Echo Bay!

4/5 bookcases

*I received this book via the first reads program on Goodreads. This is a 100% honest review*