Top Ten Tuesday REWIND -- pick a past topic you missed or one you want to revisit! Okay, so I have been searching through the past topics, and have decided to choose...Top Ten Series I have yet to finish.
1.Shadow Falls
2.The Seven Realms
3.The Iron King
4.Maximum Ride
6.The Curseworkers
7.The Demons Lexicon
8.Witch and Wizard
9. Mythos Academy
10.The Books of Bayern
These are all series that I have read the first couple books, but haven't gotten to the latest two or three!
So, what did you rewind on this week? Link me up!
The Mythos Academy has yet to release its last book. So, you don't really have to worry about finishing that series.
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my TTT
Maximum ride had a really great ending! That's been one of my favorite series for a while. I haven't gotten to Rise yet but I enjoyed Eve and Once! The Iron Fey had a really good ending too! Hopefully you can get to all these pretties soon <3
I loved maximum ride! But the ending was a cliffhanger. I need the rest of the riley bloom books and the Unearthly, and... i could go on forever. Those all sound good though! By the way, did you know belles is a series? The last book i think just got released!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I need to read Winter White and the Grass is Greener! Oooh, you need to finish the Unearthly series!