Thursday, May 9, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #8

Okay, this week I am a featured blogger, so unexpected and exciting!

Q:  Happy Mother's Day! Who is your favorite mom from fiction?

Hmm, maybe Maggie's mom in Also Known As. A Spy Mom? How cool is that? Plus, she is kind of funny!

Or maybe Cammie's mom, in Gallagher girls, who is also a spy. Gadgets, top training, secret codes, awesome spy classes... (I am currently in a "I want to be a spy!" phase. Can you tell?) She is very unique and unusual but loves Cammie lots!

Also, Mrs. Weasley. Who can't love how she handles all her boys and only daughter?She is really sweet to Harry and (because JK Rowling is awesome) is very vivid. Her lines always make me laugh, especially when she is chastising the boys! The whole Weasley family is epic.