Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feature and Follow #17

Feature and Follow is, as always, hosted by the awesome blogs, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

This Week's Question: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc? 

My preferred reading format is definitely hardcover. For one, I think they are the prettiest. Secondly, it is easier to flip through them than ebooks and their spines don't break like paperbacks. And thirdly, a book usually comes out in hardback before paperback, so highly anticipated releases in a series will be out in hardback and I will have to buy them!

Most of my hauls these days consist of hardbacks anyway!

So, what is your preferred format?

-Emily :)


  1. I agree. They're so much more durable. But they're sometimes a bit heavy, but that's because they carry whole worlds inside then :)

    New follower! Check out my FF at

    1. Oh my gosh, I have got to use that "carry worlds inside them" one day! Seriously, I was smiling *this* big while I read that :)

      Thanks for following!

  2. Hardcovers look so much better on the shelves :)

    New follower via Bloglovin!! My FF-

    1. Ooh, yes they definitely do :) I forgot to mention that! Thanks for following!

  3. Old follower, those are really good reasons to like hardcovers! They are really pretty! I never really mind what format, but I love getting a brand new hardcover!

    1. Thanks! Brand new hard covers are the best :)

  4. Oooh! So many pretty hardcovers. Loved Indigo Spell and School of Good and Evil.
    My Hop

    1. Indigo Spell was so good... and such a pretty hardcover. Thanks for hopping by!

  5. Hardcovers really do look pretty on the shelf, but I prefer paperbacks myself, because they aren't as heavy as hardcovers. Also, UK editions often get released in paperbacks first, so I don't have to wait longer for that. Thank goodness!

    New follower!

    Christina @ Book Lover Recommends

  6. I tend to prefer ebooks for practical reasons, but hardcovers are so much prettier!

    Old follower
    Emma @ From the Writer’s Nest

  7. I completely agree, although my hauls mostly consists of ebooks nowadays, due to the fact that it's cheaper. (T⌓T) Old Follower! We also just recently changed the name of our blog.

  8. Great haul! I definitely agree that hardcovers are amazing! (:

    new follower (:

    Tina @

  9. I love you hauls! Hardbck are the best. They feel precious in my hands.

    My FF:

    New follower ;)

  10. I love hardcover but they tend to be more expensive so I normally go with eBooks or paperbacks. But I agree hardcovers are definitely the prettiest! I'm an old GFC follower but I just followed you with bloglovin :) I hope you have a fantastic week!!
    K @ My Favorite Escape

  11. Hardcovers are great! Less bendy than paperbacks :D

    New Linky follower!

    Check out my FF post!

  12. I'm addicted to Kindle now but making the decision to switch took a long time. New follower via Bloglovin.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

  13. I prefer hardcovers because I get so annoyed when a paperback comes in the mail dented. Even the smallest dent bothers me so much and I love how hardcovers are harder to damage. Old follower :)
    -Scott Reads It!

  14. Nice haul :) I love a shiny new hardcover. Although lately I've been purchasing more ebooks. Old follower.

    Meredith’s Musings

  15. Hardcovers do look nice but I just don't have the space. I love my eBooks and how easy it is to carry them all with me in one neat little package.

    I'm following!

  16. I love hardcovers, even though they're heavy in the hand they look a lot nicer on the shelf and are definitely more durable. Paperbacks and eReaders wont last forever! New GFC Follower :)

    My FF:
    Annoushka @ Annoushka Reads

  17. I wish I could afford the hardbacks as the come out. Yet at $20-$30 each, that is a lot of money for even 1 book some months. Usually I just get hardbacks of favorite authors, series to save on cost and space. But I do love hardbacks.
    Here is my FF.
