Now that I'm back, I need to start catching up and posting! I thought a good first post would be to prove to you I've still been a reading maniac with my...
Top Reads of 2015 List!
(these are books I READ in 2015, they may have been published earlier)
Holy guacamole. I wasn't expecting to LOVE this book so much. I cried, laughed, and then cried some more. Who am I kidding? I was flat-out bawling at parts! The story was beautiful and amazing and raw. While this book features a fantastic romance, there is so much more to it. The themes of war, loss, and growing up impressed me and will stick with it's readers for a long time. You won't regret picking this baby up!

The Finishing School series by Gail Carriger continues to thrill me. This 3rd installment features excitement, dresses, steampunk everything, and an amazing cast of eccentric characters. I read through Sophronia's tale lightning fast and now I am DYING for the next book. That ending absolutely killed me... I cannot recommend this series highly enough. (Plus the alliteration in the titles is sooooo awesome!)

Ahh, the amazing Lunar chronicles! I know many were disappointed they got Levana's story instead of Winter, but I was absolutely thrilled. I love backstories about villains and this one in particularly hit all the right chords. I was creeped out, sympathetic, and utterly intrigued. Meyer's world is so vivid and intricate that I couldn't help but be drawn into the pages. Fairest just increased my excitement for Winter tenfold. Plus, there's a beautiful art layout on the first page!
Honorable Mentions
Please leave a comment below with your thoughts on my 2015 picks or recommend me some of your own favorites!
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