Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
In this modern-day love story, Girl likes Boy, Girl takes photo of Boy and posts it online, Boy becomes accidentally insta-famous. And what starts out as an innocent joke spirals into a whirlwind adventure that could change both their lives—and their hearts—forever. But are fame and love worth the price?
Told in alternating points of view, #famous captures the out-of-control thrill ride of falling for someone in front of everyone.
Emily's Review:
#Famous by Jilly Gargon was a very cute, clever, and quick read. I read it in one sitting and overall enjoyed it! It’s the perfect beach read or book to curl up with when you’re sick.
This story was a twist on the Alex from Target internet sensation from a while ago. Only this time we see from the eyes of the girl who took the viral picture. And, you see, Rachel meant ONLY for her best friend to see her tweet (flit) with a funny hashtag/picture of an attractive boy working at a burger stand at the mall. However, soon the picture has gone majorly viral. And the boy she took a picture of goes to school with her and they are in the same creative writing class. Awkward.
Our other main character, Kyle, was just minding his own business when all of the sudden BOOM he’s famous. He has to leave his shift at the burger place early because he literally sold out all the food to his new, young fans. Hundreds of thousands of girls have followed him on twitter (it was actually the book's version of twitter- Flit). Even though his flits were all pretty lame (I, Emily, can attest to that).
Through the fallout of all this, out two bumbling main characters grow closer. They go on tv shows. They go bowling. It's all very cute! They also have to face the opinions and wrath of their schoolmates. That said, I was kind of disappointed by a lot of the girl hate.
I feel like Jesse Andrew’s blurb on the cover of the book is a perfect summary of my feelings. Go read that blurb! Yes, it did feel a bit young to me, but this was well-written little book that I think many will enjoy. It has humor, romance, and drama. It’s also a great testament to the impact of social media platforms today. A book like #Famous wouldn’t have existed ten years ago. Isn’t that crazy?
*Received for free from the publisher*

She writes both humor and young adult fiction. She's represented by Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary (for humor) and Taylor Haggerty of Waxman Leavell (for young adult writing).
Find her on twitter, facebook, or instagram. She's an especially good conversation partner if you love amazing cocktails, terrible television, or talking to your cats.
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