Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Rambling Review: Siege and Storm

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Publication Date: June 4th, 2013
Genre: YA High Fantasy
Amazon/Barnes and Noble
Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.Warning: If you have not read Shadow and Bone, read it! Then come back and read this review of the second book! 
Warning: If you have not read Shadow and Bone, read the book immediately. Then come back and read this review of the second book!

Wow, this is how a good sequel should be done. Siege and Storm was an amazing addition to the Grisha Trilogy! The book had everything I loved about the first book (Shadow and Bone), plus more. This series is quickly becoming one I would recommend to people searching for a refreshing trilogy.

While reading, I was completely sucked into the world. Bardugo has mastered the art of perfect descriptions, explanations, characters, and plots. Also, the fast paced beginning helped. We immediately jump into the action after a re-introduction to the characters and their location. And "the action" includes ships, The Darkling, battles, and A New Character!

A lot of reader have been going on about the new character, Stormhund (He has a lot of other names besides this. However, I am not going to spoil the surprises by telling you!) And now, I completely understand the excited chatter. Stormhund is funny, and surprising. I loved all his identity twists! Is he another love interest? I am not sure. I think Alina, the main character, is still into Mal, her best friend and main love interest. We will see in Ruin and Rising! I am kind of hoping that Stromhund will become a more prominent love interest. His witty comments had me smiling! I think he is a good character. Right Barugo? Please?

Mal, of course, is also a great character. He did seem a little whiny in the second half of the book. Alina is choosing to save the world over spending time with you? What a shame, you should go pout some more! (Note: It really isn't as bad as I made it sound. Mal is great, just the whole ordeal of war is changing him. However, I am still annoyed at his lack of understanding.) Also, the plots are as great as ever! Leigh Bardugo has such an amazing imagination and, as I said before, her ideas are vivid and fully formed. I cannot wait to learn more about the Darkling in the next book, as he is rarely actually seen in Siege and Storm. However, he is often mentioned and the readers never forget about his threats and the danger he imposes.

Overall, I loved Siege and Storm! I loved the characters. Alina is so realistic, and strong! And Stormhond is just so... amazing. I also forgot to mention the amazing character growth (both good and bad) and the realistic faults in all of Bardugo's characters. I felt like everyone I read about was a real person. Seriously, I could pass Alina in the grocery store and barely be fazed. Leigh's writing is that vivid! The series has, so far, been very unique and a definite favorite. Now, is anyone else dying for the hopefully epic finale, Ruin and Rising?

5/5 bookcases

Sorry if the review was too long! I was a bit more ramble-y than usual. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #18

Hosted by Breaking the Spine!  
This Week I Am Waiting On...
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

Publication Date: September 24th, 2013
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopia
Amazon/Barnes and Noble
Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics.

 But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his wills.

 Nobody fights the Epics... nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them.

 And David wants in. He wants Steelheart—the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David's father. For years, like the Reckoners, David's been studying, and planning—and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience.

 He's seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge.
Steelheart has been getting awesome reviews, and both my friend, Zoette, and I agree that the synopsis sounds extremely interesting! What do you think? Other W.O.W picks we debated were To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Eye of Minds, and Pawn. There are so many books we are waiting for! Steelheart wins first place though...

What was your WOW pick this week?
-Emily & Zoette

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm Back from Summer Camp!

Hello! If any of you saw... the notice below has been up for all of last week:

And now I am back!

So, well, the title says it all! I had a fantastic time at camp. I hiked, swam, creek-walked, and all sorts of other fun stuff! At camp, I got to meet a lot of awesome new people, and I got to bunk with my best friend. AND the weather was pretty nice during the day. How could it not be a blast?

However, after all the fun, I am now exhausted, bug bitten, and scratched. (I somehow managed to trip over a log, but that is a different story...) I cannot convey the relief I felt upon coming home and falling asleep in my own bed. Also, the shower and electric heater were pretty awesome.

Anyways, I am back now! I will start posting regular bookish posts tomorrow...

So, how has everyone been? Has anything interesting happened to you this week???

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Review: Sisters Red

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
Publication Date: June 7th 2010
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Fiction (???)
Purchase: Amazon/B&N
Scarlett March lives to hunt the Fenris--the werewolves that took her eye when she was defending her sister Rosie from a brutal attack. Armed with a razor-sharp hatchet and blood-red cloak, Scarlett is an expert at luring and slaying the wolves. She's determined to protect other young girls from a grisly death, and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead.

Rosie March once felt her bond with her sister was unbreakable. Owing Scarlett her life, Rosie hunts ferociously alongside her. But even as more girls' bodies pile up in the city and the Fenris seem to be gaining power, Rosie dreams of a life beyond the wolves. She finds herself drawn to Silas, a young woodsman who is deadly with an ax and Scarlett's only friend--but does loving him mean betraying her sister and all that they've worked for?

Sisters Red was an unexpected mix of the Little Red Riding Hood tale and "Werewolves". I mean, isn't that a really cool idea? And Jackson Pearce pulled the idea off perfectly. I especially loved how there were "clans", "potentials", and other intriguing elements. This book is definitely a must-read for fans of retellings, twists, and all things paranormal.

To me, the characters in Sisters Red were the novel's strongest point. Scarlet and Rosie, the inseparable sisters, were pulled off beautifully. They definitely had a strong bond, but you could see how they also wanted different things. Scarlet's passion was the hunt, while Rosie is starting to realize she wants a little more than just to fight the Fenris (wolves). She wants a semi-normal life... or at least to start up some of her own hobbies and maybe pick up a boyfriend. Both of these girls were strong-willed, just in different ways. In the end, the reader will respect both of them.

Silas, Scarlet's best friend who also happens to know about the Fenris, is also a key character to the story. He tries to help both of the sisters by getting Rosie to start thinking more about what she wanted to do beside the hunt, and helping Scarlet realize what Rosie wanted. I also loved all the action and how the whole book was well paced. In the more action-y scenes, I loved Pearce's descriptions and how strong and independent the girls were. And, there was a certain twist at at the end that wow-ed me.

The setting in the little town was wonderful. Once again, I will state that the writing made the whole book feel vivid. Another thing that caught my eye was the strong prologue and epilogue. They were told in 3rd person, unlike the alternating first person point of view from the sisters in the numbered chapters. And they were woven very differently. They were lyrical, beautiful. Although the prologue did have a "very scary and violent and suspenseful" factor to it. And the epilogue had a sense of an ending and beginning.

Overall, Sisters Red was a pretty rockin' story. The tale was lyrical, a touch gory but only in a PG-13 sort of way, touching, humorous, and original. I cannot wait to read more by Jackson Pearce. Also, as a forewarning, I must inform you that this book was pretty addicting. I read Sisters Red in one sitting. You have been warned.

4.8/5 bookcases

I do believe this has companion novels! Have you read this series? What did you think? If not, do you want to read Sisters Red?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nomad Book Blitz! Giveaway + Guest Post

Nomad by JL Bryant
Publication Date: July 26th, 2013
Genre: NA time travel dystopian
They took everything: her family, her home, her childhood.

By the age of nineteen, Raven has spent most of her life in the sprawling slums of America, fighting as a rebel against the dictatorship. When the rebellion steals an experimental time-travel device, she travels back five decades to the year 2013. Her plan: assassinate the future dictator when he is still young and vulnerable, long before he comes to power. She must move fast to reshape history, because agents from her own time are on her trail, ready to execute her on sight.

What Not to Wear When Traveling Through Time

Guest post by J.L. Bryan

When the conversation turns to time travel, as it so often does, you’ll hear a lot of blather about the risks and dangers.  Everyone talks about the risk of universe-destroying paradoxes, but little attention is giving to the risk of universe-destroying fashion decisions.

Don’t fear!  We’ve put together this handy guide to what to wear (and not wear!) on your next time-travel escapade.

DON’T wear high heels.  If you’re traveling into the past, you may have to escape Nazis or rabid cavemen.  In the future, watch out for killer cyborgs and radioactive mutants!  Whatever your destination, be prepared to run for your life.  We recommend comfortable, well-worn running shoes, with combat boots as a useful second option.  If you’re attending a formal event in another century, simply pack those high heels in your carry-on luggage.  If you must have high heels, pick the stilettos, as they can double as a handy weapon.

DON’T dress in a silver bodysuit with a clear bubble helmet, especially with antennae on top.  People will mistake you for a 1950s-era space alien rather than a time traveler, leading to a variety of potential problems: quarantine, imprisonment, military attack, being a guest on The Today Show, and other horrific outcomes.  Dress in a low-key fashion, and save the aluminum-foil outfit for another occasion...or, actually, just throw it away.  That silver bodysuit doesn’t go well with your hair.

DON’T wear ankle-length dresses, tight corsets, or other binding clothes.  Again, you may need to fight or flee for survival, so jeans or slacks might be your best bet.  Short skirts are both alluring and provide ample kicking radius, in case you need to kick in a face or two.

DON’T clash with the time and place you’re visiting.  Skinny jeans, for instance, are huge no-no in the Puritan era.  That cute cami top may be both comfortable and casually sexy, but if you wear it in Victorian England, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb from another century...a thumb full of licentiousness and sin.  

Learn before you get burned!  Always study the correct attire and customs of your destination before you travel in time.  For help, contact your local vintage thrift shop and/or Halloween store.  Remember: the right look at the right time is the right way to go.  And you can quote us on that.

If you have additional fashion tips for time travelers, please share in the comments below!

And, now, a giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Did you guys enjoy this guest post as much as I did???

J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on English Renaissance and Romantic literature. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He lives in the metro Atlanta sprawl with his wife Christina, where he spends most of his day servings the toddler and animal community inside his house. He is the author of the Paranormals series and the Songs of Magic series.

JL Bryan's novel Jenny Pox is currently free (Did you read that guys? I just downloaded it...) on KindleSmashwordsAppleSonyKobo, and Nook!    

Author Links:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #19

Hosted by Tynga's Reviews!

For Review:

(Thanks to Itching for Books Tours)

(Thanks to JL Bryan! Note: I am also participating in a blitz later this week!)

(Thank you Edelweiss and SImon & Schuster)

(Thanks you Rachael!)

I also received Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott, yes! I am so excited to start reading the book! Sadly, there is not a cover yet, which is why I did not include it above.
 (Thank you to Edelweis and Harlequin Teen)


Loved it!

Same here. I actually already reviewed it too!

That's my haul! How about yours?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Review: Life After Theft

Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike

Publication Date: April 30th 2013
Genre: Supernatural Fiction (???)
Purchase: Amazon/Barnes and Noble
Aprilynne Pike, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Wings series, shines in this stand-alone novel that offers a humorous twist on ghosts and is perfect for fans of Ally Carter, Rachel Hawkins, and Kiersten White.

Kimberlee Schaffer may be drop-dead gorgeous . . . but she also dropped dead last year. Now she needs Jeff's help with her unfinished business, and she's not taking no for an answer. When she was alive, Kimberlee wasn't just a mean girl; she was also a complete kleptomaniac. So if Jeff wants to avoid being haunted until graduation, he'll have to help her return all of the stolen items. But Jeff soon discovers that it's much easier to steal something than it is to bring it back.

Paying for your mistakes takes on a whole new meaning in this hauntingly clever twist on The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Life After Theft is only 1.99 on Amazon & B&N as of today!

My mind is officially blown. To set the record clean, I have never been a fan of books with ghosts in them. Only in books such as Harry Potter do I make an exception, and even then Nearly Headless Nick doesn't exactly play an essential part in the story, unlike the ghost, Kimberlee, in Life After Theft. So, needless to say, my expectation weren't incredibly high. And yet, I loved this book entirely too much. I even loved the ghost aspect.

The first thing that I immediately noticed, was that this book was narrated by Jeff. This is refreshing as boys are rarely the main characters in the YA genre. Also, Pike writes in a boy's first person voice expertly. I applaud her for making Jeff so vivid, with a clear personality. He was so sweet and awesome! He is also funny and snarky, which is  plus. The second thing I found refreshing was that Kimberlee, a kleptomaniac ghost. She wasn't a creepy "haunter" or a love interest, which I find is most often the case. No, she was a vibrant character. I also loved the way Pike handled Kimberlee's kleptomania.

Other characters I enjoyed were Sera, Jeff's love interest. She was different. I'm not totally sure what I thought of her, but she had been through a lot. However, I was definitely rooting for her and Jeff to end up together. The plot, of course, was something I find genius. Who's the bad guy? Kimberlee for stealing? Jeff for returning the things, yet damaging property while doing it? The principal for trying to catch Jeff? Also, I loved how the plot(s) resolved. Especially the one with Kimberlee and the stealing, and Sera and "the secret".

I found that Life After Theft was also a very addicting read. Every chance I got, I picked up my e-reader to to continue Jeff and Kimberlee's story. By the way, I loved how the author spelled Kimberlee's name. Sorry, that is off topic. Anyway, I found the pacing and length perfect. Another thing I always try to mention in reviews is the setting. I found the ridiculously posh high school a perfect setting for the characters.

Overall, Life After Theft threw me onto a much needed rollercoaster. One with different twists and refreshing spirals. (I remembered something! Just the other day I noticed the roller coaster metaphors are common in reviews, blurbs, taglines etc. I should come up with a more original one for future reviews.) This original stand-alone is definitely reccomended. Also, stand-alones are rare, so I was delighted to find this one.

4.8/5 bookcases

Little Note: This is different than Pike's other novels. Thankfully, I already had some heads up from various other reviews. I think having this knowledge made the reading experience better. Go in with no expectations!

Feature and Follow #18

Today's discussion is about ideal reading destinations, which is awesome.

Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. They are both awesome sites, check them out!

Book Vacay: Where is the best destination reading spot for you? (Where do you like to go to read other then your home) 

Okay, this is weird, but I LOVE reading on planes. Really.

I feel I must defend myself by stating my reasons.

1. I am stuck on a plane! I can read without feeling guilty about not doing blogposts, cleaning my room, etc. Doing those things are not even an option when you are up in the air.

2. Once again, I am stuck on a plane! Probably for at least a few hours... so I can get immersed into my book!

3. A lot of times characters in books are traveling somewhere really cool, and no matter if the place is real or not, I can pretend I am heading there with them. Of course, the book earns bonus points if there are planes involved.

So, where do you like reading? (Other than at home?)

-Emily :)