Hosted by the Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon (I Promise)
1. Anna and the French Kiss.
Etienne St. Claire = British (yet somehow French and American too), cute, and funny. How can anyone not love Etienne St. Claire? Even his name is awesome for heavens sake!
2. Pivot Point.
Trevor is amazing. I am now reminded that I need to get my hands on Split Second NOW! It releases tomorrow (I think). YAY!
3. Bloodlines (the whole series)
Adrian and Sydney are such a perfect match. However, for some reason, Richelle Mead wants them to be apart. Stop their suffering and trials! (I'm kidding. You all know I love it.)
4. Fangirl
Levi :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D All those smiley faces explain how my face looked every time he was on the page!
5. Vampire Academy (the whole series)
Once again, Richelle Mead has created two characters with the best chemistry. Then, she repeatedly tears them apart and puts terrible obstacles in their path. Let's all give a toast to Rose and Dimitri!
6. Catching Jordan
Sam Henry is so freaking adorable and charming!!!! *squeals*
7. My Life Next Door
This book is an awesome, swoony summer read!
8. White Hot Kiss
I just read this AMAZING book and I have just one word: Roth. *fans self* Really, you should pre-order this baby for a fun, swoony ride!
9. The Last Olympian
Okay, so all the swoons were basically on the last page. However, I waited FIVE BOOKS for that page. (Spoiler: Percabeth FOREVER)
10. The Boys of Summer, An Endless Summer, and That One Summer
After reading this series, I was a mess of giggles and smiles.
What are some books that made you swoon?