So I've decided to try to make more banners for the blog with Canva! This is my first attempt so I'll get better... Anyway, now that it's summer and school is over, hopefully I'll have tons more time to read for pleasure. Here is my TBR:

1) When Dimple Met Rishi
This sounds so adorable and hilarious; I mean just look at that cute cover! And, if you every have a chance to check out the back cover of the hardcover, please do - it's so comical. Also, I love following the author, Sandhya Menon, on twitter. She's super awesome. In fact, I can't believe I haven't read When Dimple Met Rishi already! I'm bringing it with me this week when I go on my trip to check out colleges and stuff. Perfect airplane read maybe??

2) The Weight of Feathers
The Weight of Feathers looks like such a beautiful read. I've seen some wonderful reviews so I'm excited to start it! Apparently it has lots of magical realism in it... and I either love or hate books with that element. Hopefully I'll love the magical realism in this one. Also, the author's other book, When the Moon was Ours, has also been on my TBR forever. There's just so many TBR books!
3) Strange the Dreamer
Am I ashamed for having not read this yet? Yes. Very. However, maybe this was a good decision on my part now that we are closer to the release date of Muse of Nightmares? See, I was just being clever and saving past me pain. (Or I just totally forgot to pick this up and was a bad book lover.) Anyway, I know whatever Laini Taylor writes will be spectacularly breathtaking. Her Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy is such a classic.
4) Nevernight
So apparently this is really dark and gory. And has lots of adult themes. In fact, just go to Kristof's twitter to see how not-summery this book is. Now, you might be asking, Emily why did you put this dark, bloody fantasy about assassins? Well, I just really want to read this big book so I can justify buying the second one. And it had such amazing reviews. (The overall Goodreads rating is like 4.3. Wow.)
So, there we go!!! Well, actually there's like twenty more books on my summer TBR but these four are the ones I feel most ashamed about. And I am determined to read them although I *might* get distracted by new shiny things. We'll see.
The book worm life is hard I tell you.
Thanks for stopping by!
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