Monday, August 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #18

Top Ten Favorite Books With X Setting

So, my "X" setting is going to be... "School" settings. 

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Excerpt: Dawn of the Apocalypse

Release Date: 08/09/13
Genre: Apocalyptic

January 1, 2000.
May 21, 2011.
December 21, 2012

These are just a few of the days humans prophesied as bringing catastrophic events that would end the world. We predicted nuclear warfare. Drastic climate change. A call from God.

We were wrong.

Cue the gargoyle invasion—laboratory bred mutants designed to slaughter humans. When the government goes AWOL and gargoyles are swarming by the hundreds, it's up to the citizens of the United States to regroup and save themselves.

Meet Cliff Matthews, a teenage boy separated from his entire family with the exception of his younger sister, whom he is desperate to keep alive. Along the quest to save their lives, he encounters people who aren't all that they seem. Everyday's a battle, but if he can't trust his own species, where does that leave his family?

And we can't forget the man who may be willing to sacrifice Cliff's life, if it means world domination.

In terms of doomsday, no one could've seen this coming. The dawn of the apocalypse…

The Excerpt:

Cliff jumped as an ear-shattering scream erupted from the woman behind him. He turned around. The woman's mouth was quivering, her eyes wide with terror. He followed her shaking finger. There was an arm in the middle of the street. 
A real human arm, made of human flesh and bone. 
Cliff tasted bile in his throat as a huge roar came from behind him. When he looked, he saw the body of the male volunteer who was just speaking before him. If it wasn’t for the vest still attached to him, Cliff would’ve never recognized the blood drenched form bleeding on the concrete. 
"Don’t look, Andy." He said with a voice that threatened to crack with a scream or tears. He shielded her eyes with his hand.
"LOOK OUT!!" the women screamed again. 
There was another roar. He snapped his head around. A grotesque looking animal stood behind the body of the man. It was the size of a small horse, standing on two legs, its back hunched like a bridge. The figure’s skin was an olive green tone. It looked scaly, like it was dripped in oil. 
And the teeth. The teeth hung from his mouth, looking as sharp as daggers. They were at least three inches long, dripping the blood of the volunteer who was just trying to help out. 
Another roar was heard as four more monsters joined the original one. 
Another blood curdling scream rung in his ears. 
The scream was his own. 

About the Author

Being the daughter of an accomplished author, E.S.P. grew up listening to stories and telling her own to classmates. After writing for several years and even publishing some short works, she finally decided to take the plunge to write (plus finish!)a full length novel. Thus, Dawn of the Apocalypse was born. When she's not writing, she's either reading books, blogging at, or watching eighties movies.

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Time for a Giveaway!

E-book copy of Dawn of the Apocalypse and $10 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz hosted by:

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt! What did you think?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blog Tours: Yay or Nay?

Personally, I love participating in blog tours. They are so awesome! You can post excerpts, give author interviews, and review hopefully awesome books! However, I know that if I sign up for too many tours I end up stressed... I aim for a maximum of two a week, if that. I also enjoy following any current blog tours for books I can't wait to get my hands on.

So, what is your opinion on Blog Tours?

(Sorry this was such a short post!)

News of Importance here at Reader Rising:

1. I am heading off to vacation soon. Don't worry, I'll still blog my heart out while I am there!

2. I reached 399 bloglovin' followers. I am nearly at 400! I am so excited and still amazed at how I managed to end up with any followers at all.

3. I just downloaded a new blogger template. Do you like the new look?

As always, thanks for reading. And, if you want, answer the BLI answer in the comments!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Review + Giveaway: The Fairest Of Them All

Make sure to check out the rest of the stops!

The Fairest Of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon

Publication Date: August 6, 2013
Genre:  Twisted Fairytale
Source: ARC for tour
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What if Rapunzel was Snow White’s evil stepmother? From the author of Godmother and Mermaid, The Fairest of Them All explores what happens when fairy tale heroines grow up and don’t live happily ever after.

Living in an enchanted forest, Rapunzel spends her days tending a mystical garden with her adoptive mother, Mathena. A witch, Mathena was banished from court because of her magic powers, though the women from the kingdom still seek her advice and herbal remedies. She waits, biding her time to exact revenge against those who betrayed her.
One day Rapunzel’s beautiful voice and long golden locks captivate a young prince hunting in the forest nearby. Overcome, he climbs her hair up to her chamber and they fall into each other’s arms. But their afternoon of passion is fleeting, and the prince must return to his kingdom, as he is betrothed to another.
Now king, he marries his intended to bring peace to his kingdom. They have a stunning daughter named Snow White. Yet the king is haunted by his memories of Rapunzel, and after the mysterious death of his wife, realizes he is free to marry the woman he never stopped longing for. In hopes of also replacing the mother of his beloved daughter, the king makes Rapunzel his queen.
But when Mathena’s wedding gift of an ancient mirror begins speaking to her, Rapunzel falls under its evil spell, and the king begins to realize that Rapunzel is not the beautiful, kind woman he dreamed of.


I fell in love with this book from page one. The story of deadly and beautiful magic pulled me in, and the vivid characters had me invested. The Fairest Of Them All is a must-read to all fans of twisted (and I mean twisted) fairytales.

I would also recommend this book to readers looking for exceptionally stunning and imaginative writing. Carolyn Turgeon weaved her sentences and words into such a lyrical tale. She is one talented writer. The descriptions are lush yet not the drag-on-and-on-and-on kind, and the emotions are painful and real.

Our narrator, Rapunzel and the step-mother of Snow White, is a superbly written character. The readers are rooting for her, even knowing she is just a pawn in a game, and that the game will turn her into a twisted and vain version of her true self. Also, I loved how Snow White is portrayed. You can't help but adore her! She is sweet, beautiful, kind, and sharp minded.

I also loved the pacing. The book is paced exactly right, and fits the mood of the story. Nothing is rushed, or dragged. Oh yeah! We start with Rapunzel as a young girl and then head through her life perhaps another 15 years or so. Each part is crucial, from her time hidden amongst the trees up in her tower, to her grand reigning as Queen at the castle. We also get to see Snow White grow.

Another Key Character is Mathena, the adopted mother Is she good? Evil? What is her story? I found fiery Mathena to be a very interesting and complex character. I think this might even, in part, be her story as well as Rapunzel's.

The plot is also totally awesome and enthralling. And those twists at the end? Oh yeah. If you are a loyal reader you probably know how much I covet the brilliance of an awe-inspiring twist in the story. And, oh boy, did The Fairest Of Them All deliver just that.

Overall, this story is pure genius. I, and I assume many other readers, were emotionally invested into the story from the beginning to the end. Now, Quick! Flynn Rider, Prince Charming, or The Huntsman???

4.5/5 Stars

About the Author:

The Question of the Day:

If you had a Magic Mirror, what question would you ask into the glass?


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Feature and Follow #19

Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, go check out thier blogs!


Back to School time! Create a reading list for the imaginary English Lit class you'll be teaching this semester. 

Ooh, this sounds fun! Okay, let's get started...

Ms. Emily Anne's English Lit Reading List

Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnely

These books are all highly discussable, deal with heavty topics, and have beautiful writing. I would add some classics, but I have never been in a high school or college English Class... Soon though!

So, what are on your lists? 

And if, as a teacher, I was feeling particularly nice...
the Harry Potter Books would be included.

Review: Starters

This review is one I wrote a year ago, before I ever created Reader Rising. I came across it on Amazon the other day and decided to edit the review and post it here. What do you think? I can tell my review-writing style has changed. It feels like someone else wrote this! It is also has more paragraphs, as a month or two ago I reverted to 5-paragraph reviews! Anyways, enjoy!

Starters by Lissa Price

Publication Date: March 13th, 2012
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia
Amazon/Barnes and Noble

Callie lost her parents when the Spore Wars wiped out everyone between the ages of twenty and sixty. She and her little brother, Tyler, go on the run, living as squatters with their friend Michael and fighting off renegades who would kill them for a cookie. Callie's only hope is Prime Destinations, a disturbing place in Beverly Hills run by a mysterious figure known as the Old Man.

He hires teens to rent their bodies to Enders—seniors who want to be young again. Callie, desperate for the money that will keep her, Tyler, and Michael alive, agrees to be a donor. But the neurochip they place in Callie's head malfunctions and she wakes up in the life of her renter, living in her mansion, driving her cars, and going out with a senator's grandson. It feels almost like a fairy tale, until Callie discovers that her renter intends to do more than party—and that Prime Destinations' plans are more evil than Callie could ever have imagined. . . .

Starters, by debut novelist Lissa Price, is one of those books that will leave you breathless.

At the beginning you feel sure of the plot, and where it's headed. Then, BAM, a new twist has been added or another unexpected factor reveals itself. I found myself pulled into the vivid, real world of starters and enders.

The book begins by introducing Callie, a 15 year old orphan, who is living on the streets with her friend, Michael, and her sickly younger brother. The USA, Callie's home, has just suffered a terrible biological attack. And the only people who survived are the ones that have been vaccinated, the young and the old. ('Starters' and 'Enders') 

Callie needs money, and fast. She knows the chance of survival gets slimmer every day. When she hears about the body bank, and the generous amount of dollars it offers, she decides to take the job and rent out her body to Enders wanting to be young again.

Then, during her third rental, she wakes up in her own body. But she's not at the body bank. There was a malfunction with the rental process and she is cast into the life of her renter. Soon, Callie realizes her renter has some disturbing information about the body bank. Who can Callie trust?

The writing kept me interested the whole way through. And the characters never seemed dull or flat, Callie was a lively narrater. She was one of those smart heroines that you quickly come to admire. Also, there are many other key characters that jumped off the page, whether they were Callie's brother, friend (Michael) , an Ender acquaintance, or the mysterious Blake. Blake is a key character. And there is a large twist involving him. My favorite character, however, was Michael, which is a shame because we see very little of him in this book. I hope he is a more key character in Enders!

When I finished Starters, I immediately hopped on Amazon and looked up the sequel. I can't wait for it to come out! I absolutely love the world Price has created!I recommend this to anybody looking for an  original dystopian novel. There are also some sci-fi elements, with the body bank premise, so fans of the genre should also enjoy Starters!

Note: There are two ebook short stories out about the world of Starters:
Portrait of a Starter: An Unhidden Story
Portrait of a Marshal: An Unhidden Story

What do you think of the new cover? I love it! Here is the old one:

Overall, this book earned 

5 stars! (Sorry there is not a graphic! I'm working on a new one.)

    Book Two                                     The Unhidden Stories

Top Secret Mission: Organize the Bookshelf

Tread with CAUTION... You have been warned.  The information that is about to be revealed is part of a super spy database. Once, you have these files, there in no escape from your knowledge!

Top Secret: Operation 2.0

Welcome to Operation 2.0, as I am calling this!

Yesterday, on a complete whim, I decided to reorganize my bookshelves. To do that, I would first have to empty them.

Feast your eyes:

So, after that adventure of trying to get all the books off my shelves, I needed to come up with an organizational tactic. A-ha! Author's last name. Bingo.

Since I have a perfect memory, I began searching for all the "A" authors. It turns out my memory is not so perfect, and I turned to my Goodreads "Read" shelf, and clicked "sort by author's last name". Thank goodness for technlogy.

Then while re-listening to the False Prince, (please read this post), I began putting my precious books on the shelves.


And, here was my dog, Agent Rue Grr, throughout the entire operation: He played look-out. And look! He sure was an alert one. (Note my sarcasm please...)

More Picture of Books:
I know, I'm going overboard. I can't help it.

Operation 2.0 Complete- 

Come back next week for Mission 3.5. Farewell. Remember, No Bookshelf Is Safe. (Or insert another cheesy line like that.) 

-Spy Agent Emily 
Code Name: DuchessOnyx1